John Power, a Belgian inventor outside Antwerp, had long thinking in a way for air passengers to get away cheaply, to avoid checking in bags at the airport. Low-cost airlines frequently offers cost for hand luggage, but requires an additional charge for a second bag.
In the end he came on that it is possible to attach the gasket on the body by means of a specific rock with large pockets, which can also be folded into an ordinary bag when the plane has landed, "writes the Daily Mail.
I have seen how people have left behind at the airport because they had a few extra pounds in your bag, or been forced to check in hand luggage. In my eyes felt very unfair. I have seen how many have tried to crack the system, so I decided to find a solution where you don't look like a complete idiot, "says John Powers to the Daily Mail.
The jacket is available in different models and have special pockets for clothing, electronics and health items. Belgian admits, however, that he has received some strange looks when he walked around with a Briefcase, on the body, but says that it is worth the money he saves. It is clear, however, how easy it is to sit inside the cabin with a suitcase around the stomach.
Ryanair, according to the newspaper does not have any objections to the new invention, as long as it does not pose a security risk.

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