Title: "World Heritage-Man's Masterpiece"
Text And Photo: Peter Hanneberg
Publisher: Max Power
Approx. price: 298 SEK
Today, 398 sites included on UNESCO's distinguished list. Of these, Peter Hanneberg selected 100 of the most interesting cultural legacies.
-Because I am very culture historically interested felt natural to begin with. And a knowledge that is very useful is to learn from history. History's mistakes, not least.
The selection presented with over 300 photos taken by the author himself in the book "World Heritage-man's masterpiece".
-I have tried to set up the text a bit more personal so that there is only one non-fiction. And illustrate with images that can strengthen it further. The goal has been to provide a similar experience as I have had the privilege to be there.
And of travel memories Peter Hanneberg gasket full. He tells us about the dawn of Machu Picchu when night mist, and the Sun spread over inkastaden. If the full moon over the statues on Easter Island. And if the lightning weather during the walk to the Skierfe in the Laponian area.
-They are very different from these trips and travel are not always comparable. But the trip by train along the silk road through Central Asia, strong impression, with ancient cities as Samarkand, Bukhara and Kiva.
Text And Photo: Peter Hanneberg
Publisher: Max Power
Approx. price: 298 SEK
Today, 398 sites included on UNESCO's distinguished list. Of these, Peter Hanneberg selected 100 of the most interesting cultural legacies.
-Because I am very culture historically interested felt natural to begin with. And a knowledge that is very useful is to learn from history. History's mistakes, not least.
The selection presented with over 300 photos taken by the author himself in the book "World Heritage-man's masterpiece".
-I have tried to set up the text a bit more personal so that there is only one non-fiction. And illustrate with images that can strengthen it further. The goal has been to provide a similar experience as I have had the privilege to be there.
And of travel memories Peter Hanneberg gasket full. He tells us about the dawn of Machu Picchu when night mist, and the Sun spread over inkastaden. If the full moon over the statues on Easter Island. And if the lightning weather during the walk to the Skierfe in the Laponian area.
-They are very different from these trips and travel are not always comparable. But the trip by train along the silk road through Central Asia, strong impression, with ancient cities as Samarkand, Bukhara and Kiva.
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