Prime roll for the new sport fishing season is made each year at the sports fishing exhibition, which this year will be held at Elmia in Jönköping. Every two years at kistamässan in Stockholm. This year's fair will be record-breaking and has more than 100 exhibitors on over 10 000 m2 of exhibition space. Here gather large portions of the industry to showcase all the news for this year's season, but also to share knowledge and valuable tips. Much of the equipment that will be shown at the fair can be tested in the different caste pools, activities are interspersed with demonstrations and lectures. Angling fair annually attracts approximately 12,000 curious visitors of all ages.
At the same time as the interest and skill level of sport fishing is growing among exercisers, the industry is also growing. Equipment, travel, accommodation, guides, båthyror, training, etc. related to sportfishing tourism earns annually more than 2 billion kronor in Sweden and is seen now as a custom nutrition for an ever-wider.
The sports fishing exhibition organized by Artexis AB (Kista fair) in collaboration with the Swedish sport fishing and fish conservation Association, SeFF, Spofa angling Academy in Pompano Beach Pole for the ninth year.
Europe's largest mobile Aquarium displays many Swedish fish species. Here, they get interested visitors to know most about how the fish looks like, where the various species caught, when they go to fish and how to technically go about.News: Pasture Street! Here you can learn all about what attracts fish to grab, IE. browsers and what is needed to build and design their own bait. No less than 10 experienced bait builders share both knowledge and tips as well as showing how to do this!Fishing school for beginners is for young people between the ages of 7-12 years. Here, you learn what you need to get the fish but also how to behave in the wild, please read more under "Anglers".New! Flugbindargatan complemented this year by a Flugbindarakut where visitors have the opportunity to put questions to the experts and get tips on binding technology, material m.m.Flugbindargatan gathers elite in Sweden and internationally. There are no less than twenty fly binder that shows how to tie flies for all types of fish. There are many exclusive works of art produced during the exhibition days. The interest is very large and well as the throng.New! Anyone who wants to build his own fly rod will get the chance to learn the most about the material and how to technically building a rod with the desired properties. It is Canebyggare of Mälardalen knowledge and tips.Throw courses for "try-on" and shows in the exhibition hall. Once you've learned the caste technology, you can completely focus on the fishery and the experience. Here you can try under the knowledgeable guidance or watch one of the many displays. There is also a fly fishing school for girls of all ages.New! Who does not remember his childhood summers with angling from the bridge, perhaps it is the interest of many resumes? Angling can also be an advanced angling shape that you choose depends on the species to fish on. At the show informs experts in naturlika exhibition environments on Angling the square on which species suitable for this form of fishing. What you need for equipment? How to prepare? What kind of bait do you choose? When the year Dummies? What accessories you have advantage of m.m.En other form of sport fishing that has grown sharply in recent years is the boat fishing, for example. trolling, Lake and sea fishing. Boats for all types of fishing are taking an increasing part of the exhibition area and this year will be shown several brand new boats, together with news on equipment and accessory page.Sport fishing in Sweden earns annually more than 2 billion kronor. With over 3 million practitioners are Angling one of Sweden's biggest leisure activities. What is it that attracts so many? Nature Experience? Community? Relaxation? Planning? The Catch? A is safe; have you been bitten by the interest so it often lasts a lifetime! Many would quickly learn a lot more about different species, in the surroundings where they live, when they bite, what they are biting on and not least how to get baby. Sweden has a several 100-mile long stretch of coastline, about 90 000 lakes and many miles of running water to fish in. regardless of where you live, it is close to the fishing grounds. It's easy to get started and it doesn't have to cost a fortune.
Location: Elmia, Jönköping
Time: 5-7 april 2013
Opening hours: Friday and Saturday 09.00-18.00. Sunday: 10 am-4 pm
Organizer: Artexis, Kistamässan
Partners: the anglers, SeFF, Spofa angling Academy in pole-Forshaga.
For more information: www.sportfiskemassan.se
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