"ventyrare has announced the nominees for the prize f r's ventyrare 2012. F last year was Eloise W. and Andreas Fransson who scooped utm rkelse.
More utf annual descriptions of the nominee you will find p 's ventyrare nominee. There r also h g time to ans ka to utn Equinox's adventure.
N some of the nominated r active h r p outside, s see l links below f r to l ra k know them a little better (b):
Anneli Wester, Sweden ventyrare year 2012 in female, have over the last year showed a great courage in his str used to inspire others with their adventures. Her background has f tt m nga to f rst what power she possesses, and her willingness to k mpa further has made her b de v lk nd and a major inspiration f r girls with similar experiences.
Sanchez blog and articles , see h r p Outside

Since 2004, Lars Bengtsson been out p l no longer adventures annually. In total, he has been in 83 l, cycled 73 542 kilometers, paddled 600 kilometers, at enhanced in mountain and spent 1200 n feet in t lt. In August 2011 p b started Lars a adventure <...>To end Panama was born in n m in may 2012, the whole nine months after that adventure p b began in Canada.
Lars articles, pictures, etc. you will find p Outside

One of Sweden's most experienced ventyrare implemented r sp exciting and challenging travel p l pande bands often without asking me if it's r also case with Corax trip to Tibet in 2012.
Staci m many items you will find h r p Outside

(F) to finance his life project, Christian money p oil rigs while he reduced his life costs to n Town nothing. N r he had enough he tried enough to Venezuela and paddled through South America among crocodiles, Piranhas and biting insects, often of ms in weeks.
P Exterior there is a report from Christian's expedition

During four periods over n ra 12 r are Linda V strik f followed a pygm tribe in Congo's jungles. <...>This has resulted in a documented entitled the dancing forest spirits which during January 2013 had v rldspremi r p G teborgs video festival.
Mattias Skantz has always been burning f r and str was St. completely after good skiing. <...>Inf r r 2012 best mde he f r to ski with and s set up a sm tt on nskligt m l, n is to climb 366 peaks during a r.
Vera r trained glacis by telling them rinstrukt r and guide. <...>In 2012 tried Vera with tv other participants from the Baffin Babes p a new expedition to the subantarctic n South Georgia. adventure began and ended with four and five days with sj sick d they sailed across the stormy sea between the Falkland Islands and the sub-Antarctic n South Georgia.
Inspired by Lars Monsen best mde to Leif f r a different fly fishing adventure p Finnmarksvidda in Norway. During July 2012 f he corrected a completely solo in 3 weeks by Finnmarksvidda. Leif hiked, paddled and sl pade sj lv canoe l Karasjoka with Ahkkanasjohka closed.

Stiko Per L, f dd 1978 in Leksand, Stiko Per r n got's unusual as a ventyrlig rock artist. Stiko Per has for several r given out p vandringsturn are around the country. 2012 walked the walk from Trondheim to Stockholm. Turn n p went for 38 days, it was 920 kilometers on foot and 40 concerts.

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