22 January 2013

Dengue in Madeira

The health authority of Madeira confirms that found 34 cases of dengue on the island, where many Swedish tourists right now.
On Wednesday, authorities found two confirmed cases and worried that an eruption could come. Just two days later, last Friday, the number of cases had risen to 34, according to local media.
Dengue has in recent decades become a serious problem in parts of Asia, Latin America and Africa.
"We have 75 Swedes in Madeira right now, but there are no tourists have become sick of the anophelines go. It is also the laxest form of dengue has been found, "said Magdalena Öhrn, information manager at the wing. -To protect themselves, as they always protect themselves against mosquito, with myggspray and myggolja. But we are following the developments and has staff on site.
The wing does not consider that the risk is so great that there is reason to repatriate Swedes from Madeira, at least not for the moment.
-No, that it is now the hotel areas not affected but mostly private homes. Authorities have informed that they should not have flowers and pots on fat on balconies and in gardens because if there is a little water left on the drums like anophelines go there.
TT: are the Swedish tourists worried about?
-No, no tourists have been hit. I think we've got a question for our staff on the ground, "says Öhrn.

Pizza is Italian pride. Now the dish had its own museum.

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