05 November 2012

Where I hear the best music in Cuba?

Question:I plan to go to Cuba and is very fond of Buena Vista Social Club and that type of music. Are there any clubs in Havana, or anywhere else for that matter, that I should not miss?

Answer:If you like different, live music, you have come to Cuba. Buena Vista Social Club-classics such as "Chan chan" from the first album can be heard in the evenings on many squares in Cuba. A first night at Havana Plaza Vieja atmo­sfärisk introduction to Cuba, although a bit turistigt.

Buena Vista Social Club albums spanning many of Cuba's musical genres. Many of the band's recordings shows off son (Cuba's musical backbone which in turn can be subdivided in rumba and danzón), but even folklórico (Cuban folk music), jazz, Cha-Cha-Cha and mambo.

Known as Rumba was born in the poor port-areas of Matanzas in the 20th century among African slaves who lived there. Matanzas is the right place to hear rumba on the, even today, for example, in the Plaza de la Vigía. Calle-jón de Hamal in the Havana district of Vedado-is another good choice. Rumba spiced with danzón, originally a type of ballroommusik, has become today's hugely varied. An excellent venue to hear the son of Vedados is the Casa de la Amistad.
To listen mambo, you should visit Cienfuegos, the birthplace of this music's most famous exponent Benny Moré. There are many good teams here and in nearby Punta Gorda. Among the Havana classic jazz venues are Vedados Jazz Club la Zorra y el Cuervo.

Other good music experiences in the Havan-na include La Casa de la Música in Havana Vieja (salsa) and Tropicana in Marinaodistriktet for more glamorous kabaréunderhållning.

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